Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What Are the Benefits of Rosemary Tea?

Rosemary TeaRosmarinus officinalis is an evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean region and is commonly used as a spice in a number of ethnic cuisines. With its pungent aroma, rosemary has been used as a flavoring agent as well as for its medicinal qualities for hundreds – if not thousands – of years. Rosemary tea may help support digestion, promote cognitive function and act as an antioxidant, protecting the body from heart disease and cancer.

Brain Booster

Rosemary has shown promise in supporting circulation to the brain and in potentially preventing diseases like Alzheimer’s. Along with increasing peripheral circulation, rosemary contains a constituent called carnosic acid which is a potent antioxidant that may protect neurons from free-radical damage, according to a report in the August 2008 issue of the “Journal of Neurochemistry.” Another study published in the “Journal of Medicinal Food” in January of 2010 demonstrated that small doses of rosemary enhanced memory speed in elderly adults.

Digestive Support

Traditionally, rosemary has been used to calm digestive distress and indigestion, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Rosemary is approved by the German Commission E as a safe and effective herbal treatment for dyspepsia. Master herbalist Susan Weed also suggests rosemary to treat spasmodic digestive complaints like gas and gall bladder disorders.

Hair Help

Rosemary oil has been widely used to support hair growth and prevent alopecia, according to research published in the “Journal of the American Medical Association Dermatology” in 1998. Weed states that rosemary tea can also be used as a wash to support scalp health and hair growth. She suggests brewing a full ounce of dried rosemary in a quart of water overnight to use as a post-shampoo hair rinse to stimulate hair growth. Rosemary tea can also be mixed with borax and used as a natural dandruff solution.

Precautions and Warnings

While the use of herbs to treat common complaints has long historical roots, it is best to discuss herbal therapies with your doctor or other qualified health care professional. Rosemary should be avoided in pregnancy – at least in large quantities – due to its uterine-stimulating properties, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Use as a spice is considered safe for everyone, but large doses of rosemary may cause vomiting, spasm, coma or fluid in the lungs. Rosemary may interact with some pharmaceutical drugs like blood thinners, ACE inhibitors, diuretics and lithium. Always consult your doctor before using any herbs if you are taking pharmaceutical medications.


Learn more about rosemary tea rosemary tea benefits rosemary tea for hair health benefits of rosemary tea to cancer

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